PROGRESSIVE generates millions in additional revenue annually simply by selling you something that you already have. Everyone has to have insurance. When you purchased your full coverage policy, 9 times out of 10 they told you that you needed uninsured motorist coverage. They probably even explained how it would pay for repairs or replacement in the event you are involved in an accident that's not your fault, but the other driver does not have insurance. For the most part, that is true. However, if you have comprehensive and collision coverage, your vehicle is completely covered. Adding uninsured motorist is just an overlap of what you already have as it pertains to ensuring your vehicle is fully covered. So you ask, "why would they not be honest and sell me something I don't need"? Well, I will always question the integrity of a company that will take the time to convince me that I should purchase something that I already have.
Anyone can become a victim, but no one has to remain the victim. From the moment the accident occurs, you will need to make sure you are properly documenting everything that transpires. I don't personally recommend that you handle the claim without proper legal representation if you don't know what you are doing. However, taking these steps will help ensure you are victorious in the event it becomes necessary to take legal action. To record all calls, visit and download the free call recorder. Also, you will need to record all interaction between you and your medical provider. There are times when they may state one thing, and contradict it the next accompanied with documentation. PROGRESSIVE may do this as well. And if you don't have the proof to prove otherwise, you are screwed.
If no one knows what happened, it won't benefit you to just complain. Once you have collected and organized the evidence, now you can begin with a few simple steps.
By implementing the steps above, you will REACH THOUSANDS in a very short period, culminating with a major movement.
Companies like PROGRESSIVE earmark a certain amount of capital each year for lawsuits. They employ formulas that anticipate the amount of claims that will be paid in any given period. This is almost an exact science. For the most, your threat of suing them is laughed at. However, if you want to get their attention, find a way to LEGALLY impact their bottom line.
And when we say everything, WE MEAN EVERRRRRRRRRRRYTHING. This includes every phone call and every interaction. You can simply use the camera on your phone to record audio and video. Also, if you previously established a close relationship with management at the collision center, compel them to record as well. It will be mutually beneficial at a later time, and supremely to your advantage. Don't expect all or even most of the collision centers to participate; As Progressive has a way of influencing them. But, for the ones that do, it will make all the difference should litigation take place, or the story is picked up by your local media. Keep in mind regardless of what happened, all that matters is what you can prove.
Did you know that when your vehicle has been involved in an accident and is repaired, it decreases in value. And, by law in most states the insurance company is required to compensate you for the diminished value. This is something they will absolutely not volunteer. However, there are several companies that are ready, willing and capable of assisting you with filing and collecting a diminished value claim. Just Google "diminished value" to locate one of the many companies. DO NOT TAKE the insurance company's word when they initially offer you X amount of dollars for this type of claim.
Currently they are paying $23.01 for the keyword phrase "car insurance", $14.00 for renters insurance, and $13.65 for "insurance". So, what that means is that when you perform a search with those keywords and you see a sponsored Progressive ad and click on it, That click cost them the amount associated with the keyword or phrase. If you want to locate all their keywords, visit and enter their domain in the search area.
Virtually all smartphones allow you to change the name of your hotspot. Well, we recommend changing it to You can do this on all of your old phones as well whether they are working or not. It's FREE to do. Doing this will allow anyone in the area looking for a WIFI signal to see the domain, and possibly visit out of curiosity.
CALL or TEXT (470) 655-6077 your testimony of how you were victimized. All voice and text messages received may be used in a nationally televised commercial to assist with exposing Progressive Insurance deceptive business practices.